hello there 👋

Nice to meet you,
I'm Hammad

a professional Full-Stack Web Developer.
I build high-performing web apps and sites that drive results.

Recent work: Booyah, Prima, Unify for Spotify • View projects


One developer, endless possibilities!

whether you need a simple landing page for your brand or a fully-fledged dynamic app for your business, I can help with your needs!

  • Design / develop a landing page
  • Figma to Code
  • Implement CMS
  • Implement database and schemas
  • Implement sign-in (Google and more)
  • Add protected pages & API calls
  • Create RESTful APIs
  • Handle payments with Stripe
  • Set up emails
  • Setup hosting

My tech stack:

  • Next JS logo
  • React logo
  • JavaScript logo
  • Typescript logo
  • Node JS logo
  • MongoDB logo
  • Supabase logo
  • Tailwind logo


A showcase of my work

  • LMS Platform — Learn something new project screenshot

    LMS Platform — Learn something new


    This learning platform is a full-stack web app. I lead the development from front to back, design to code. On this platform, teachers can manage their courses, payments and visualize student progress. Students can consume content and progress on the leaderboard.

  • Muviz — Your one stop for content to watch project screenshot

    Muviz — Your one stop for content to watch


    This web app is a basic catalog platform to see charts of new or trending movies and shows. It uses TMDb API for the data fetching. The tools used in the app include React, React Router, React Query, Axios, RadixUI and Tailwind.

  • Prima — Innovative marketing agency project screenshot

    Prima — Innovative marketing agency


    Prima was my first ever work with a client. My task was to create a visually elegent yet simple website that captured the essence of my client's brand while delivering a smooth user experience. I had to come up with the design and colors. And on the code side, I got to experiment with the multipage functionality on a single page.

    javascript icontailwind icon
    March 2023
Show more projects ↓


Ever so active in the coding space


Successful projects


Years of experience


Repos on GitHub


Commits on GitHub (2024)

hammadxp's GitHub stats


Pricing solutions that don't gobble up your budget

these prices are placeholders, the final price is determined after discussion with the client 😉

  • Design / develop the landing page
  • Figma to Code
  • Components & animations
  • Multiple pages
  • Implement CMS / Blog
  • CTA for emails
  • Optimizations for SEO, images and fonts
Best Deal
Web App
  • Setup database (MongoDB / Supabase)
  • Sign-in / Magic Links (Google and more)
  • Protected pages & API calls
  • Handle payments (Stripe) (3.5% fees)
  • Set up emails (Mailgun) (+$4)
  • Setup hosting (Vercel) (+$20)
  • Setup SEO tags
  • Components, Animations, Dark Mode
  • Design / develop the landing page


Build, launch and earn!

I'd love to hear about what you want to accomplish. Let's grab a coffee and talk about it! 🤙

Send me an email



Phone number

+92 317 0758582


Get to know me

A little history ✨

My name is Hammad Javed, I am a 24 year old Web Developer from Faisalabad, Pakistan. I have completed my Bachelors in Computer Science from NCBA&E university, Lahore 🎓.

Before getting into web development, I used to be a tech savvy person, tinkering with my devices to make them work as I wanted them to, rooting them, jailbreaking them and automating them. I was in the habit of writing small, Python based CLI apps/scripts, automate stuff with Tasker, AutoHotKey and so on.

That made me realize that programming was natural to me 👨‍💻, I should try to persue my career in it, so I did!

My web development journey 🌈

In 2022, I stepped into the world of web development after finishing my Bachelors in Computer Science. I hadn't touched any web stuff during those 4 years of study, but I used to hear about it from other colleages. It felt interesting 💫 to me and I couldn't wait to try it out.

So finally the day came, 09 March 2022, when I wrote my first "Hello World" in HTML 😅. I took 2 bootcamp courses from Jonas Schemdtmann over on Udemy and I'm ever so grateful for them. Jonas' way of teaching was amazing and I highly recommend Him to everyone. It was just the beginning of course and I kept exploring more.

What all that means is that I became a self-taught web developer, degree in CS barely made a difference for me.

So I continued, at first I thought of going with just the Frontend, but soon I realised I was capable of more 😤, I was fluent with programming, I could give clients a full product from front to back, so I went with the Full-stack route.

I first learned React, then the MERN stack and then NextJS started getting noticed by everyone, so I tried it out and immediately I also fell in love with it 😍. NextJS provided a lot of neat features like file based routing, lazy loading content, SSR / SSG, image optimizations and much more, basically taking a little burden off of us developers.

Active in the community 🔥

I keep up-to-date with the ever so expanding world of web development. I'm active on Twitter/X, Discord and other newsletters, though I rarely post myself 😅.

Beside web development ⚡

If I'm not on React, I spend some time with Python. Just some basic scripts you know. I have built a Spotify script called Unify to locally save and sync my Spotify playlists, it might get taken down 🤫.

Soft skills ⭐

I'm a natural mentor as well, I help my friends all the time, trying to give them a roadmap or heads-up for something they wanna accomplish, whether it's regarding coding or their careers.

My education 👨‍🎓

I am a graduate of Computer Science:

  • Intermediate of Computer Science (Superior College, Faisalabad)
    2016 - 2018
  • Bachelors of Computer Science (NCBA&E University, Lahore)
    2018 - 2022

Little Blogs:

How I approach the project 🎲

I usually follow the MVP roadmap (Minimum Viable Product):

  1. Add feature 2. Get feedback 3. Improvise 4. Publish
  • For the front-end, I go with React (NextJS), along with Tailwind for styling the UI and Shadcn UI for utilizing ready made components.
  • For the backend, I use NextJS server actions, APIs can also be built easily with NextJS.
  • For database, I prefer to use MongoDB Atlas (if you need an SQL database, we could go with Supabase) (costs separately)*
  • Mongoose or Prisma can help us in communicating with our database and designing the database schemas
  • User authentication can be handled by NextAuth or Clerk (for protected routes like dashboards or profile editing)
  • Emails can be handled by Resend or Mailgun (costs separately)*
  • Stripe can help us in managing payments

that's usually the tech-stack of a full-stack project, if you need something more specific, I could go easily with it as well!

Efficient development ⏩

  • Writing clean, type-safe and standardized code along with modularity and organization of files are my top priorities
  • I utilize a lot of popular libraries to make the development quicker and efficient (you don't wanna be reinventing the wheel in each new project)
  • Re-using code snippets from my previous projects further minimizes the development time
and that's it!